Anointing Oil
Patchouli oil 4 parts
Cinnamon 2 parts
Verbena 4 parts
Add to 2 oz sweet almond oil.
Used to bless candles before a ritual. Working outwards, coat entire candlewith oil from the middle to each end, while visualizing your magical intent.
For purification & cleansing, use to wipe down your altar or ritual area.(Spellwork- use on candles; add to incense; in purification bath water).
Astral Travel Oil
5 drops Sandalwood
1 drop Ylang Ylang
1 drop Cinnamon
Add to 2 oz olive oil
Attraction Oil
Carrier oil – 1 oz (sweet almond)
Lovage Herb – tsp
Lemon Peel – tsp
Rose Petals -tsp
Lemon Balm -1/2 tsp
Small piece of Lodestone
Mix herbs in oil, set under a waxing moon for the 3 days before
full.Attract a mate, anoint forehead, below the heart, and above naval.
Add 7 drops to your bath water once a week to attract a new ,lover.
Put 3 drops on a cotton ball and place in shoes for luck in love.